¿Qué culpa tiene el karma?

Queens on the Run

Queens on the Run is a compelling story of women on a desperate escape from a situation they are unsure how to navigate. They break free from the chains of monotony, inherited roles they believed they had overcome, suffocating commitments, toxic relationships, and the feeling of being lost in a life that no longer brings them comfort. Escaping becomes their only choice in order to discover their true selves and embrace the life they desire. It is a journey to find their center, let go of fear, and embrace the women they aspire to be.
As they embark on this transformative journey, they become more self-aware than ever, gaining a deep understanding of their identities and their place in the world. They strive to take the final, necessary step that will shatter the burdens carried by countless others before them.
Queens on the Run is a captivating comedy-adventure that unfolds during a road trip, where each protagonist exposes their vulnerabilities and conquers their flaws, emerging as more powerful and empowered queens than ever before—rulers of their own lives.


Written by:

Martha Higareda


Jorge Macaya


Selva Pictures





A not so Merry Christmas
Fucking Mummies